Hamas – Involved In

Iran’s clandestine proxy – From cooperation to collusion

The nuclear threat derived from Iran’s investment in South Africa is only the tip of the iceberg
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US and UK Sanction IRGC Deputy Commander, Houthi Member

The United States and United Kingdom have sanctioned a deputy commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and a member of Yemen’s Tehran-backed Houthi rebel group. Mohammad Reza ...
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Iran Continues To Offer Safe Haven To Al-Qaeda

Iran continues to allow al-Qaeda to facilitate its terrorist activities, a key communication channel to transfer funds and fighters to South Asia, Syria, and elsewhere, the US State Department ...
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Iranian and Hezbollah operatives in Yemen are aiding Houthi attacks on ships

Operatives from Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah are working inside Yemen to support Houthi insurgents’ attacks on international shipping, a US official says. Tim Lenderking, the US special ...
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Iran controls its proxies despite regime’s narrative

The Hamas’s brutal onslaught on the Jewish communities bordering the Gaza Strip, the massive Houthi disruption of navigation in Bab al Mandab and the Red Sea, and Kataib Hezbollah’s ...
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Russia deepening ties with global axis of evil

Russia is deepening its ties with global forces of destabilization, chiefly Iran, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, told the General Assembly on Monday. Erdan's comments came ...
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