Hamas – Involved In

Iran Tried To Buy Malware From Russian Cybercrime Forums

Iran has tried to purchase wiper malware from Russian underground forums that can help hackers irreversibly remove computer data. Sergey Shykevich, threat intelligence expert at cyber security company Check ...
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Hezbollah tells Iran it would fight alone in any war with Israel

With ally Hamas under attack in Gaza, the head of Iran's Quds Force visited Beirut in February to discuss the risk posed if Israel next aims at Lebanon's Hezbollah, ...
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The West must speak in a language that the Iranian regime understands

In the turbulent landscape of the current Middle East Geopolitics, Iran and its proxies are holding the world hostage through the war in Gaza. Responding to and defending against ...
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Princeton faces demands to fire researcher for alleged role in Iran’s campaign of terror

Princeton University is facing demands to fire a specialist once accused of being part of an Iranian campaign to murder the country’s enemies, The Post has learned. The school ...
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Iran Is Connected to Failed Hezbollah Attacks in Latin America

Operation Trapiche — a plot to kill Jews in Brazil — revealed the shadow of Iran behind the failed Hezbollah plot. According to Brazilian Federal Police documents exclusively obtained ...
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The US intelligence community’s assessment of the Iranian threat

The U.S. intelligence community’s latest Annual Threat Assessment provides a comprehensive analysis of the multifaceted threats to U.S. interests, allies and influence in the Middle East posed by the ...
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