Hamas – Involved In

Iran’s cash support for Hamas documented in secret letters

Documents discovered by the Israeli military in Gaza reveal regular Iranian payments to Hamas in recent years, amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars. Revealed by The London Times ...
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Iran’s advanced armament leaves Hamas’s rocket system in the dust

Three days after the Iranian missile attack on Israel and the successful interception of the vast majority of them, the defense establishment and the defense industry are now engaged ...
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What is the IRGC and why is Britain refusing to ban it?

When the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was first established in the aftermath of Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution, it was nowhere near as powerful as it is today. Ayatollah ...
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Biden’s appeasement of Iran must end

Iran’s barrage of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and suicide drones against the brave and courageous people of Israel last weekend failed miserably. The Israelis successfully defended their nation in ...
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Leaked Document Reveals IRGC’s Role In Global Anti-Israel Campaign

A highly confidential leaked document reveals the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC)’s role in directing an international campaign aimed at disrupting the world economy in protest against Israel. Earlier today
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What are Iran’s military capabilities

Iran's attack on Israel was seen by experts as ambitious - but the country has the capability and range to strike further targets across the entire Middle East. According ...
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