Hamas – Involved In

Why US terror designation for Iraqi-based terror group matters

The US State Department on Monday designated Iraqi-based militia Harakat Ansar Allah al-Awfiya as a terrorist group. This is important because it shows the US continues to be focused ...
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IRGC General Yahya Rahim-Safavi: We Need To Increase The Depth Of Our Strategic Defense

Senior Advisor To Khamenei, IRGC General Yahya Rahim-Safavi: We Need To Increase The Depth Of Our Strategic Defense To 5,000 KM; Hizbullah Expands Our Reach To The Mediterranean Sea ...
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U.S. designates Iran-aligned Ansar Allah al-Awfiya as terrorist organization

The United States has designated Iraq-based Harakat Ansar Allah al-Awfiya as a terrorist organization as the Biden administration cracks down Iran proxy militias amid Israel's war in Gaza. The ...
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Time to unmask the pro-Hamas thugs

Americans have seen this movie before. Politically motivated masked thugs who gather to intimidate, silence and sometimes inflict violence on the objects of their hate are nothing new in ...
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Iran’s fingerprints on Oct. 7 massacre ‘well-documented’

When thousands of Hamas-led terrorists murdered some 1,200 Israeli men, women and children on Oct. 7 and kidnaped hundreds of others, it further exposed how Iran supported and funded ...
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A Dangerous Precedent: Sweden’s Mistake in the Hamid Nouri Case

The decision by the Swedish government to return Hamid Nouri, a convicted criminal against humanity, to Iran in exchange for hostages marks a dangerous precedent with far-reaching consequences. This ...
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