Hamas – Involved In

ifmat - Iran Paid for Riots at Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Iran Paid for Riots at Temple Mount in Jerusalem

The violence in Jerusalem surrounding the Temple Mount crisis last month apparently had its roots in more than just payment...
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ifmat - The Iranian Cyberthreat Is Real

The Iranian Cyberthreat Is Real

There’s trouble in the Gulf, where a hijacked news website has helped kick off a blockade of Qatar. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates...
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ifmat - The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps terrorizes its own people and casts a dark shadow over the world

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps terrorizes its own people and casts a dark shadow over the world

IRGC, often misidentified as the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps dwarfs ISIS by any measure...
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ifmat - Hamas thanks Iran for its support

Hamas thanks Iran for its support

In his first speech since being elected Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh thanks Iran for supporting the Al-Qassam Brigades...
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ifmat - Jack Keane US will designate IRGC as a terrorist organisation

Jack Keane: US will designate IRGC as a terrorist organisation

The former Vice Chief of Staff of the US Army said that he believes the US will soon designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation ...
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ifmat - Ontario court upholds 17B judgment against Iran

Canadian court upholds $1.7B judgment against Iran

Ontario’s Court of Appeal upheld a US$1.7-billion judgment against the government of Iran in favour of American victims of terrorism, rejecting the state’s immunity and accusing Tehran of trying ...
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