Hamas – Involved In

ifmat - Iranian spies targeted in German police searches

Iranian spies targeted in German police searches

German special police teams have searched flats linked to 10 suspected Iranian state spies...
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ifmat - Iran regime is not EU friend

Iran regime is not EU friend

The European Union has "led the world into a dangerous policy of appeasement on Iran by heading up the ‘E3+3’ or ‘P5 + 1’ (the permanent members of...
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ifmat - Iran-Hamas reconciliation in the works

Iran-Hamas reconciliation in the works

There are growing signs of a rapprochement between Tehran and Hamas after approximately three years of difficulties caused by Hamas’s reservations regarding the Islamic Republic’s support...
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ifmat - Maryam Rajavi response to the Iranian protests1

Maryam Rajavi’s response to the Iranian protests

The president-elect of the Iranian Resistance has written a powerful piece for the Wall Street Journal explaining why the current wave of protests in...
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ifmat - Iran is a bigger problem than North Korea

Iran is a bigger problem than North Korea

Iran is on the march in the Middle East following the P5 + 1 nuclear agreement that brought billions in sanctions relief, which means the Iranian regime is now ...
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ifmat - Iran pledging all its might to Hamas for Jerusalem battle

Iran pledging all its might to Hamas for Jerusalem battle

Hamas’s leader in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Sinwar, said that a senior Iranian military commander pledged all of the Islamic Republic’s military resources to help the Gaza-based terror group ...
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