Hamas – Involved In

ifmat - Security Cabinet mulls action against Iran

Security Cabinet mulls action against Iran

The 12-member security cabinet met Sunday to discuss the volatile situation in the North, with some of the ministers already having advocated taking military action – not...
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ifmat - Iran is extending its regional power in Syria

Iran is extending its regional power in Syria

The conflict in Syria seems to be hotting up again, just as it should be cooling down. Today US forces launched air strikes – the first for some time...
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ifmat - Secret Iranian missile factory in Lebanon

Secret Iranian missile factory in Lebanon

Analysts looking at Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Sunday briefing to the Cabinet on the subject of his recent talks with Russian President Putin pointed at the particular significance of a ...
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ifmat - US sanctions on Hamas and Hezbollah indirectly target Iran

US sanctions on Hamas and Hezbollah indirectly target Iran

The Trump administration has laid out several new sanctions designations over the last month that target individuals and entities connected to Hamas...
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ifmat - Iran gives Hamas 100 million annually for terrorism

Iran gives Hamas $100 million annually for terrorism

US President Donald Trump’s special Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt, who recently visited Israel's communities on the Gaza perimeter and toured the terror tunnel...
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ifmat - Iran is the greatest threat to global security

Iran is the greatest threat to global security

Iran, not ISIS, is the greatest threat to global security, according to former Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya'alon…
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