Hamas – Involved In

ifmat - Iranian Regime helping Hamas in the digging of tunnels in Gaza

Iranian Regime helping Hamas in the digging of tunnels in Gaza

In an article in the Hamas daily Al-Risala, Hamza Ismail Abu Shanab, who is affiliated with the terrorist group, describes Iran's assistance to the Palestinian “resistance organizations”. According to ...
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ifmat - Iran Regime invested in proxies across the Middle East

Iran Regime invested in proxies across the Middle East

The simmering standoff between the United States and Iran is feeding global concern that both countries are inching perilously close to war. It has also focused attention on Iran’s ...
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ifmat - People in Iran are struggling while government supports terrorist organizations

People in Iran are struggling while government sponsors terrorist organizations

Although the Iranian government invests heavily on propaganda for the annual occasion, and while the country’s state-run media give extensive coverage to rallies on this day, not all Iranians ...
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ifmat - Iranian Regime sponsors terrorist attacks around the world for 40 years

Iranian Regime sponsors terrorist attacks around the world for 40 years

The escalation of Iran and its Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) in the Middle East has become apparent. It has mobilized the Houthi militias in Yemen to launch attacks against ...
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ifmat - Iran-backed Hamas and Islamic Jihad should be treated as terrorist organizations

Iran-backed Hamas and Islamic Jihad should be treated as terrorist organizations

On May 5 and 6, 700 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israeli territory in less than 48 hours. It was the most intensive rocket offensive on Israel to ...
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ifmat - Iranian mullahs policy of hiding behind proxy terrorist militias

Iranian mullahs policy of hiding behind proxy terrorist militias

The increasing US military buildup in the Arabian Gulf Region has caused spectators to expect the breakout of a fierce war, most observers expect a small-scale strike against Iran’s ...
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