Hamas – Involved In

ifmat - Qassem Soleimani traveled to Gaza masterminded tunnel strategy

Qassem Soleimani traveled to Gaza masterminded tunnel strategy

The late commander of the Quds Force Major-General Qassem Soleimani allegedly traveled to the Gaza Strip on more than one occasion, the Hamas representative to Lebanon, Ahmad ‘Abdel-Hadi, said ...
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ifmat - Will Iran activate sleeper cells in America

Will Iran activate sleeper cells in America

For more than a decade, Hezbollah and therefore Iran have maintained “sleeper agents” in America who await only a coded signal to commit mass murder and wreak maximum chaos
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ifmat - Hamas leader speaks at Qassem Solemanis funeral

Hamas leader speaks at Qassem Solemani’s funeral

Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh said that assassinations will only make resistance against Israel in Palestine and the region stronger, speaking at the funeral for Iranian Quds Force ...
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ifmat - Iranian expansion spreads beyond the Middle East

Iranian expansion spreads beyond the Middle East

Iran’s efforts to expand its influence throughout the Middle East have been widely noted. It holds sway over the governments in Baghdad and Damascus, and exerts power through proxy ...
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ifmat - Israel will not allow Iranian forces to station in Iraq

Israel will not allow Iranian forces to station in Iraq

The Chief-of-Staff for the Israeli Armed Forces, Aviv Kochavi, said on Wednesday that Israel cannot allow Iran to station militarily in Iraq
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ifmat - Alliance with Iran allowed the rise of Hamas

Alliance with Iran allowed the rise of Hamas

Officially formed in 1987—at the beginning of the first intifada—Hamas was built on a Muslim Brotherhood network that had existed in the Land of Israel since before 1948. Sean ...
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