Hamas – Involved In

ifmat-Iranian mischief persists despite coronavirus pandemic

Iranian mischief persists despite coronavirus pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has turned lives upside down, and with entire countries on lockdown it is easy to forget the world beyond one’s borders.
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ifmat-Quds Force Commander in Baghdad for 1st Time since Soleimani Killing

Quds Force Commander in Baghdad for 1st Time since Soleimani Killing

Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force Esmail Ghaani arrived in Baghdad this week for the first time since the killing of his predecessor, Qassem Soleimani, in a US ...
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ifmat-Twitter suspends accounts of Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei

Twitter suspends accounts of Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei

Twitter temporarily suspended early Tuesday several Twitter accounts belonging to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Khamenei’s English, Arabic, Persian and Urdu Twitter accounts were temporarily suspended.
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ifmat-Iranian Leaders have increasingly lashed out at perceived outside enemies

Iranian Leaders have increasingly lashed out at perceived outside enemies

Iran by its own accounting is the fifth-ranked among nations in coronavirus fatalities. Outside experts say the rate is likely much higher.
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ifmat-Stevenson says Iran problems are the regime fault

Stevenson says Iran’s problems are the regime’s fault

Iran’s economy is failing, with out-of-control inflation, an imploding currency, and the current coronavirus crisis bringing the country to a standstill.
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ifmat-Iranian embassy calls on Tokyo to ignore US sanctions on Iran

Iranian embassy calls on Tokyo to ignore U.S. sanctions on Iran

In a Friday tweet, the Iranian embassy in Japan wrote, “We expect Japan to ignore the cruel US sanctions against Iran and resume normal economic exchanges between the two ...
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