Hamas – Involved In

ifmat - Iranian people must imagine life after the Mullahs

Iranian people must imagine life after the Mullahs

In his article publish on the United Press International on Tuesday, Mr. Struan Stevenson, a former president of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iraq, elaborated Iranian regime’s ...
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ifmat - Iran will hold Quds Day rallies online amid pandemic

Iran will hold Quds Day rallies online amid pandemic

This year’s anti-Zionist, Quds Day rallies in Iran will go ahead online amid the coronavirus pandemic, announced Nosrtollah Lotfi, the deputy chief of the Islamic Development Coordinating Council, yesterday.
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ifmat - Iran regime pays terrorist mercenaries Quds Force mercenaries five times more than nurses

Iran’s regime pays terrorist mercenaries Quds Force mercenaries five times more than nurses

The mullahs’ regime claims that it is unable to provide medicine and medical facilities to the Iranian people due to cash shortage caused by international sanctions. But information from ...
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ifmat - Israel Slams Iran for its State-Sponsored Anti-Semitic Coronavirus Cartoon Contest

Israel Slams Iran for its State-Sponsored Anti-Semitic Coronavirus Cartoon Contest

Israel and an anti-Semitism watchdog have condemned the Islamic Republic of Iran for launching an international cartoon contest on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that featured anti-Semitic and anti-Israel cartoons.
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ifmat-ifmat-Iran keeps up its malign behavior

Iran keeps up its malign behavior

It is difficult to predict what lasting impact the coronavirus pandemic will have on the Middle East, a region long beset by entrenched military, political and economic crises
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ifmat-Iranian hardline cleric slams UNICEF as enemy of Islam

Iranian hardline cleric slams UNICEF as ‘enemy of Islam’

An Iranian cleric has accused the US of using the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) as a tool to target Iran, Persian media Radio Farda reported on ...
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