Hamas – Involved In

ifmat - Hezbollah is an Iranian strategic tool

Hezbollah is an Iranian strategic tool

Hezbollah and its leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, do not have the authority to independently unleash their vast rocket/missile arsenal against Israel. That is because this arsenal is an integral ...
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ifmat - Hamas says What we took by force will not be given up in talks

Hamas terrorist group hails Hezbollah’s rocket attacks on Israel

Hamas, the Palestinian resistance group, on Friday praised Lebanon's Hezbollah for rocket attacks on Israeli sites. We congratulate and fully support the response...
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ifmat - Hamas leader and Iranian commanders meet at Raisi swearing-in

Hamas leader and Iranian commanders meet at Raisi swearing-in

Photos show Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and Iranian military commanders in conversation following the swearing-in of Iran’s new president, Ebrahim Raisi, in Tehran.
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ifmat - US Sanctions bill aims to curb Hezbollah destabilizing regional influence

US Sanctions bill aims to curb Hezbollah’s destabilizing regional influence

Democratic and Republican representatives have urged the European Union to include the Lebanese Hezbollah on the list of terrorist organizations.
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ifmat - Water protests in Iran test country leaders

Water protests in Iran test country’s leaders

Weekslong Iranian protests over water scarcity present an early test for incoming president Ebrahim Raisi, who takes office next week amid mounting challenges including a grinding economic crisis and ...
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ifmat - Iran cutting off electricity and internet to gloss over Khuzestan protests

Iran cutting off electricity and internet to gloss over Khuzestan protests

Protests have been raging on since July 15 on a daily basis in Iran’s Khuzestan Province.
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