Hamas – Involved In

ifmat - Police clash with protesters as riots over food prices spread in Iran

Police clash with protesters as riots over food prices spread in Iran

Iranian security forces fired live rounds and tear gas to disperse anti-government protesters in several provinces on Thursday, according to posts on social media, as protests triggered by rising ...
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ifmat - Any new Iran deal must impose more restrictions on Tehran

Any new Iran deal must impose more restrictions on Tehran

The US Senate last week passed a symbolic motion demanding that the previous iteration of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, known as the Iran nuclear deal, is not ...
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ifmat - Iran ayatollahs are already in America backyard

Iran’s ayatollahs are already in America’s backyard

While some Western democracies have attempted to isolate Iran, the latter has entrenched itself in America’s own backyard. These undertakings have been advanced by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard, its ...
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ifmat - An unlikely dissident in Iran

An unlikely dissident in Iran

“The only way the IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] will be forced to go back to the barracks and stop its business activities is for it to remain in ...
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ifmat - Families of Iranian victims continue campaign to oust Oberlin professor

Families of Iranian victims continue campaign to oust Oberlin professor

Dr. Kazem Mousavi, a human rights activist in Germany says victim families of Iranian political prisoners mass-murdered in Iran in 1988, demand the ouster of an Oberlin College professor.
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ifmat - A nuclear Iran would unleash a nightmare in the Middle East

A nuclear Iran would unleash a nightmare in the Middle East

Europe made a bad bet on Russia decades ago. The policy was known as Ostpolitik, which sought to create political and economic ties between then-West Germany and the Union ...
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