Hamas – Involved In

ifmat - Ex-IRGC commander claims Iran is dealing blows to Israel

Ex-IRGC commander claims Iran is dealing ‘blows’ to Israel

The former commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps claims that Iran is dealing ongoing “blows” to the State of Israel.
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ifmat - Can a new Iran-Venezuela pact end either country economic woes

Can a new Iran-Venezuela pact end either country’s economic woes?

A newly inked cooperation deal between Iran and Venezuela will see the two pariah states further integrate their economies, but one oil-rich and legitimacy-poor state cannot fix the woes ...
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ifmat - Gulf states blacklist terror financiers linked to Iran

Gulf states blacklist terror financiers linked to Iran

Members of the Riyadh-based Terrorist Financing Targeting Center (TFTC), which includes the United States, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman, blacklisted 13 individuals and ...
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Hamas as Tehran’s Agent

Since the late 1980s, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been plying the Hamas terrorist group with cash and weapons while also teaching it how to be self-sufficient. With ...
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ifmat - Israel warns against travel to Turkey amid real threat of Iranian revenge attack

Israel warns against travel to Turkey amid ‘real threat’ of Iranian revenge attack

Israel on Monday issued an updated travel warning for Turkey amid fears of an Iranian response to the assassination of a senior officer in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ...
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ifmat - IRGC deserves to remain on US terrorist list

IRGC deserves to remain on US terrorist list

In desperation to reach a nuclear deal, so-called progressive pressure groups and Democratic members of the Senate, such as Chris Murphy, pushed the Biden administration to remove the Islamic ...
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