Hamas – Involved In

ifmat - Iran slams Saudi paper for cartoon insulting Khomeini

Iran slams Saudi paper for cartoon ‘insulting’ Khomeini

Iran yesterday slammed a Saudi newspaper for publishing a cartoon which resembles the late Iranian leader, Ruhollah Khomeini, deeming it as an "insult" that the Iranian people "will not ...
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ifmat - Tehran funneling Millions to Islamic Jihad

Tehran funneling Millions to Islamic Jihad

Iran is funneling “tens of millions of dollars” in funds to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) each year, Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz claimed, almost a week after three ...
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ifmat - Why the plot to kill John Bolton is in the DNA of the Iranian regime

Why the plot to kill John Bolton is in the DNA of the Iranian regime

For the past year, unbeknown to the citizens of Washington D.C., an assassin had allegedly been stalking the streets of the US capital searching for a prime target: A ...
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ifmat - Iran regime oil revenue supports terrorism

Iran regime’s oil revenue supports terrorism

On August 2, John Kirby, the US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the White House, stated that the US government will not delist the Iranian regime’s ...
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ifmat - Tehran wants proxy Palestinian Islamic Jihad to keep attacking Israel

Tehran wants proxy Palestinian Islamic Jihad to keep attacking Israel

The Israeli Air Force and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) rocket squads in the Gaza Strip engaged in yet another round of violence over the weekend.
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ifmat - How not to negotiate an Iran deal

How not to negotiate an Iran deal

The administration has made it clear that it sees no alternative to a deal with Iran and thus continues to make concessions in order to try and get Iran ...
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