Hamas – Involved In

The West Must Abandon Appeasement Policy On Iran

At last week’s 6th July meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC), chaired by the UK, the growing threat posed by Iran and the absurdity of Western appeasement policy ...
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UK leads the way in ending appeasement of Iran

ON 13th July, in a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, a French member, Nathalie Loiseau MEP, launched a vicious tirade against the National Council of Resistance ...
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Jordan will likely be Iran’s next domino

Iran and its self-proclaimed “Axis of Resistance” have been on a roll since 2011. Unfortunately, Jordan may well be their next target. The wave of “Arab Spring” revolts that ...
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Iran’s shadow war

Israelis battled Palestinians in the northern West Bank last week. That’s what most media reported and it’s true as far as it goes. But here’s a more accurate description ...
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Berlin police approve pro-Hamas rally

A mere three months after a protest in Berlin featured chants of “Death to Jews” and “Death to Israel,” German police stood by as yet another pro-terrorist march took ...
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IRGC-Affiliated Media Hail Martyr Of Terror Attack In Israel

Media affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are lauding a car-ramming and stabbing attack against civilians in central Tel Aviv as a “martyrdom operation". IRGC-affiliated Tasnim news agency published
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