Hamas – Involved In

IRGC in Jenin, Psychological Warfare, and the West’s Perceptual Failure

Foreign media coverage of the events in Jenin have erroneously reported that the Iranian regime’s recent terror and influence operations in the city were a “Palestinian-Israeli clash.” Yet statements ...
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Iran praises ‘victories’ after calls with Palestinian terror leaders

A senior Iranian official recently praised and encouraged Palestinian and Lebanese terror groups’ attacks on Israel, according to Iranian media reports. Ali Akbar Velayati, a senior adviser to Iran’s ...
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Hamas is building rocket production infrastructure in Jenin

Saleh al-Arouri, the leader of Hamas’s military wing in Judea and Samaria, has been working to realize his vision of setting up a terrorist network in northern Samaria dedicated ...
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Iran’s plan to turn Judea and Samaria into a terror base

Palestinian terrorists have already turned the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip into a base from which to fire tens of thousands of rockets at Israel. Now, with the help of Iran, ...
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Hezbollah in Latin America

Hezbollah maintains a strong presence in South America, particularly in Venezuela, where it operates as a proxy for Iran. This close relationship between Hezbollah and Iran has resulted from ...
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Will the U.S. Designate Iran-Backed Palestinian Groups as Terrorist Entities?

Amid President Biden's pledge to Israel President Isaac Herzog on Tuesday that America's commitment to the security of the Jewish state is "ironclad," a new think tank report reveals ...
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