Hamas – Involved In

Hamas and Iran could pose a threat on the streets of the UK

Hamas and Iran pose a threat on the streets of Britain, the Government's anti-extremism tsar will warn today. Robin Simcox, the Home Office's independent commissioner for countering extremism, will ...
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Iranian Proxies Threaten to Escalate the Conflict with Israel

As Israel prepares for a possible full-scale ground incursion into Gaza, there is much speculation over how Iran could respond. Such a response could potentially see it deploy any ...
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Kataib Hezbollah claims attack on US base in Iraq

A number of US soldiers were “lightly wounded” in Wednesday’s drone attack against US occupation forces in Iraq’s Ain al-Asad base, which Washington initially said was thwarted. The drone ...
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Leaders of groups behind London pro-Palestinian march have links to Hamas

The police are under pressure to ban a pro-Palestinian march through central London after a JC investigation revealed that leaders in several of the groups behind it had links ...
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Iran’s Support for Hamas and the Risk of Multi-Front Escalation

In Sept. 2019, Ayatollah Ahmad Alamolhoda, the Friday Prayer Imam of Mashhad and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s representative in the city, referred to the disparity between Iran’s current ...
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Iran’s tyrannical mullahs created the Hamas monster

Iran’s backing for Hamas and their deadly terrorist attack on Israel has deep roots. Exploiting the Palestinian issue has long been a strategic ploy of the Tehran regime. Over ...
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