Hamas – Involved In

Why Iran’s ‘global tentacles’ worry Israel and the West

If you’ve seen an alarming headline about the prospect of a Third World War erupting in the past couple of years, the chances are that it’s focused on threats ...
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Iran’s Regime Pressures Jewish Community To Bash Israel

The Islamic Republic of Iran revealed again on Wednesday that it exerts considerable pressure on the country’s tiny Jewish community to denigrate Israel. The Tehran-born Beni Sabti, an expert ...
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Iran must be held accountable for supporting Hamas

As the world witnesses the pain and destruction caused by Hamas in Israel in direct or indirect coordination with Iran and with its explicit financial support, the Islamic Republic ...
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Iran mobilizes proxies for drone war on US and Israel

Iran has encouraged its terrorist proxy forces in Iraq, Yemen and Syria to begin a drone war against US forces and Israel. On Thursday drones and rockets targeted Ain ...
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Iranian Officials Reiterate Threats Against Israel Amid Regional Tensions

As tensions escalate in the region following the Hamas attack on Israel, Iranian officials have continued to issue threats against the Jewish state. Iran has been supporting Hamas and ...
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Iran-Backed Groups Blow Up Gas Pipeline in Syria

Iran-backed groups blew up a gas pipeline in Syria's Kurdish-controlled northeast near a U.S. base Thursday, a war monitor said, as regional tensions grew following Israel's war with Gaza-based ...
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