Hamas – Involved In

Iranian Proxies Attack US Troops In Iraq And Syria 13 Times In A Week

American forces in Iraq and Syria have come under attack on at least 13 occasions over the past week, the Pentagon has confirmed, by militant groups armed by Iran. ...
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Iranians Mock Regime Campaign To Recruit Fighters For Hamas War

The Iranian regime launched a multi-platform campaign to recruit fighters for the Hamas war against Israel while Iranians are branding it a propaganda stunt. The media campaign started simultaneously ...
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Who is Armita Geravand, 16-year-old Iranian girl reportedly left brain dead by morality police

The latest symbol of ordinary Iranians’ resistance to their authoritarian and fundamentalist government is Armita Geravand, a 16-year-old who was allegedly viciously beaten by Iran’s morality police for refusing
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Why Iran Is Desperate To Finish This Pipeline

Iran has long been desperate to create a permanent ‘land bridge’ from Tehran to the Mediterranean Sea by which it could exponentially increase the scale and scope of weapons ...
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Iranian Comedian Arrested On Suspected Sacrilege

Iranian comedian Zeinab Mousavi, known by her stage name Empress Kuzcooo and famous for her anti-regime stance, has reportedly been arrested. It is suspected that Mousavi, a 32-year-old computer ...
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Iran ‘actively facilitating’ some attacks on US bases in Middle East

The White House accused Iran Monday of "actively facilitating" attacks on US bases in the Middle East, as it expressed concern over the potential for escalation of the war ...
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