Gholamreza Soleimani – Involved In

ifmat - Basij chief says Iranian democracy a model for the world

Basij chief says Iranian democracy with executions and lashing is a model for the world

Basij Chief Brigadier General Gholamreza Soleimani has described the Iranian nation as a unique and powerful nation, saying Iran’s democracy is a model for the world to follow
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ifmat - US State department gives congress list of Iranian human rights abusers

U.S. State department gives congress list of Iranian human rights abusers

The United States Department of State has sent a list individuals and entities of the Iranian regime who are responsible for or complicit in certain human rights abuses in ...
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ifmat - Iran Supreme Leader again feeding fantasies to Palestinians

The Banks of Ayatollah

Of all the problematic aspects of the Joint Plan of Action recently signed in Geneva by Iran and the six world powers...
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ifmat - Iran smuggling weapons to Hezbollah via civilian airline

Iran smuggling weapons to Hezbollah via civilian airline

An Iranian civil aviation company is suspected of smuggling arms into Lebanon, destined for the militant group...
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Massive crackdown on the peaceful demonstrations in Iran

Since December 28, 2017, when the protest against high prices began in Mashhad, northeast of Iran, and then spread throughout the country, at least...
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ifmat - An IRGC Qods force entity called Mahan, operating under the guise of a private company

An IRGC Qods force entity called Mahan, operating under the guise of a private company

Iranian airline companies play an important role in Iran's interference in the countries of the region, including the transfer of personnel and logistics for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ...
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