Gholamreza Soleimani – Involved In

Iran possesses missiles designed to target Israel

The spokesperson for Iran's Defense Ministry, Brigadier General Reza Talaee Nik, has announced that Iran has developed missiles specifically designed for targeting the Palestinian territories occupied by "Israel
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Iran’s president threatens U.S. officials from the U.N. podium

A day after the U.S. and Iran exchanged prisoners and Washington released $6 billion of Iran’s frozen assets, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi gave no signs of seeking further reconciliation ...
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Iranian Commander Heydari says Tehrani-Moghaddam Designed Missiles Will Destroy Israel

Iranian Army Ground Forces Commander Gen. Kioumars Heydari: The Founder Of Iran's Missile Program IRGC Gen. Tehrani-Moghaddam Designed Missiles That Will Destroy The Pustular Growth That Is Israel In ...
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Iranian Drone Proliferation is Scaling Up and Turning More Lethal

On Sept. 6, a three-hour Russian drone attack on Odessa damaged agricultural and port infrastructure, killing one civilian. Of the 33 air weapons that Russia launched, 25 were Iranian-made ...
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How Hezbollah turned to cocaine to fund its terror

It’s January 2014 and Jack Kelly, an agent with America’s Drugs Enforcement Administration (DEA), has recently been reassigned. For several years he has been coordinating investigations into the narcotics ...
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The Iranian Regime’s Strategy Of Taking Western Hostages To Use As Bargaining Chips

On September 4, 2023, The New York Times revealed that a European Union official, Swedish citizen Johan Floderus, has been detained in Iran since his arrest in the country ...
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