Gholamreza Soleimani – Involved In

US arrests Iranian dual national over UAV technology exportsanda mission

In an escalation of US efforts to block Iran from acquiring sensitive military technology, Gholam Reza Goodarzi, a 76-year-old dual US-Iranian citizen, was arrested at George Bush International Airport. ...
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Iranian Commander Calls US Student Protests to ‘Islamic Awakening’

The commander of Iran's Basij militias linked the wave of pro-Palestinian student protests across US universities to what he describes as an "Islamic awakening." Addressing the media, Gholamreza Soleimani ...
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Iranian Paramilitary Commander Repeats Threat To Destroy Israel

In remarks indicating deep antisemitism, the commander of Iran’s Basij militia said on Thursday that Jewish hostility towards Islam has existed since the advent of the religion. The Islamic ...
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Iran’s Regime Moves to Bolster its Cyber Capabilities

In an era defined by the growing prominence of the digital domain, Iran’s regime is rapidly expanding its cyber capabilities, emerging as a potent and multifaceted cyber threat on ...
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Iranian Officials Reiterate Threats Against Israel Amid Regional Tensions

As tensions escalate in the region following the Hamas attack on Israel, Iranian officials have continued to issue threats against the Jewish state. Iran has been supporting Hamas and ...
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Iran’s Repressive Policies Against Students and Children

In recent years, the Iranian regime has come under international scrutiny for its increasingly repressive policies, particularly concerning the country’s students and children. The Iranian regime, known for its
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