Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order (EIKO) – Involved In

ifmat - Iran vaccinating Lebanese Hezbollah

Iran vaccinating Lebanese Hezbollah

An informed source has told IranWire that members of Lebanese Hezbollah and their families began to receive Covid-19 vaccines from Iran about a month ago. The operation, initially limited, ...
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ifmat - High-level Iraqi delegation in Iran to discuss trade and bilateral ties_compressed

Iran is exploiting Iraq’s construction sector

Iranian companies, engineers, and builders flourish as Iraq is in a seemingly perpetual state of reconstruction that requires heavy industry and related services. Iraqi oligarchs, banks, and companies with ...
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ifmat - Iran-Backed Cartel Controls Iraqi Borders

Iran-Backed Cartel Controls Iraqi Borders

Since the U.S. invasion to Iraq in March 2003, Iranian authorities seized the opportunity to add this country to their territory. In this respect, they silently conquered all critical ...
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ifmat - Iran regime uses vaccination to murder and plunder people

Iran’s regime uses vaccination to murder and plunder people

As more governments worldwide race to vaccinate their people against Covid-19, the Iranian regime tries to further profit from the vaccination process at the cost of endangering people’s lives.
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ifmat - Khamenei Office finds a way to circumvent US sanctions

Khamenei Office finds a way to circumvent U.S. sanctions

Barkat Pharmaceutical Group wants to look legitimate in order to expand its international business and financial network. But Barkat is owned by Setad, an organization under the direct rule ...
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ifmat - What is Novo Nordisk from Denmark hiding in Iran

What is Novo Nordisk from Denmark hiding in Iran?

In order to gain access to the promising Iranian market, Novo has allied itself with a business empire funded and financed by the seisure of land and property belonging ...
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