Evin Prison – Involved In

ifmat - IRGC Wants Revenge by Blocking Political Prisoner Hospitalization

IRGC Wants Revenge by Blocking Political Prisoner Hospitalization

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are preventing the hospitalization of political prisoner Arash Sadeghi, who needs urgent medical treatment for the effects of his prolonged hunger strike,
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ifmat - Evin Prison Keeping Political Prisoners in Wards With Violent Offenders

Evin Prison Keeping Political Prisoners in Wards With Violent Offenders

The authorities of Evin Prison in Tehran are violating Iranian law by refusing to move four political prisoners who have been attacked by other inmates
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ifmat - Iran-Born Swedish Resident on Hunger Strike in prison looking for justice

Iran-Born Swedish Resident on Hunger Strike in prison looking for justice

Iranian-born Swedish resident Ahmadreza Jalali is protesting his detainment in Iran since April 2016 without charge and denial of access to due process by refusing food and water.
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ifmat - Former Political Prisoner Arrested by Agents Without a Warrant

Former Political Prisoner Arrested by Agents Without a Warrant

Former political prisoner Majid Asadi was arrested at his home in Karaj, west of Tehran, and taken to Evin Prison on February 21, 2017 by “unidentified agents who did ...
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ifmat - Dual National Prisoner In Iran, Beaten and Harrased

Dual National Prisoner In Iran, Beaten and Harrased

Iranian-American dual citizen Reza (Robin) Shahini, currently serving an 18-year prison sentence in Gorgan Prison (about 190 miles east of Tehran), has gone on hunger strike to protest his ...
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ifmat - Former Political Prisoners Rearrested

Former Political Prisoners Rearrested

The Iranian regime’s repressive forces rearrested two former political prisoners by the names of Misters Mohammad Banazadeh Amir Khizi
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