Evin Prison – Involved In

ifmat - Political Prisoner Summoned and Threatened by Prison Intelligence Agents

Political Prisoner Summoned and Threatened by Prison Intelligence Agents

According to reports, political prisoner Saeid Sangar was summoned last week by intelligence agents in Urmia prison – North Western Iran, and threatened over his recording the prison events ...
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ifmat - Iran Court Sentence Christian Convert for Five-Year Prison

Iran Court Sentence Christian Convert for Five-Year Prison

The five-year prison sentence against Christian convert Ebrahim Firoozi for his alleged missionary activities has been confirmed by the Appeals Court in Tehran, the Center for Human Rights in ...
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ifmat - Iranian-British Citizen Writes Letter From Prison

Iranian-British Citizen Writes Letter From Prison

Iranian-British citizen Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, imprisoned in Iran since April 2016, has written a letter to her UK-based husband about the pain of being separated from their infant daughter, Gabriella ...
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ifmat - British mum held prisoner in Iran is 'virtually unable to walk' as she suffers severe weight and hair loss

British mum held prisoner in Iran is ‘virtually unable to walk’, weight and hair loss

The health of a British mum locked up in an Iranian prison on “secret charges” is rapidly deteriorating as she suffers dramatic weight and hair loss and is left ...
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ifmat - New Charges Against imprisoned Iranian-American

New Charges Against imprisoned Iranian-American

March 10, 2017—Serious and baseless new charges have been brought against Karan Vafadari and Afarin Nayssari, the dual-national Iranian-American and his wife who have been imprisoned in Iran’s Evin ...
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ifmat - Brutal Attack of Guards on Prisoners in Evin Prison

Brutal Attack of Guards on Prisoners in Evin Prison

Political prisoners of Evin prison in a statement condemned the attack of special prison guards on prisoners and called for help for these prisoners while explaining the situation of ...
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