Brigadier General Qassam Soleimani – Involved In

ifmat - Qasem Soleimani17

Designated Iranian general violating sanctions, Shadowy Visits Moscow

A shadowy Iranian general responsible for the deaths of nearly 500 Americans traveled to Moscow Wednesday to meet
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ifmat - Revealing IRGC’s Terrorist Training Camps5

Iran exporting terrorists: IRGC builded Terrorist Training Camps and Train Foreign Fighters on Iran Soil

The following information has been gathered and documented by the social network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran. The revelations are made public by the ...
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ifmat - IRGC Should Be Treated Like ISIS

IRGC Should Be Treated Like ISIS

The Director of the National Security and Terrorism Studies Department at the Gulf Research Center, Mustafa Alani believes that the Iranian
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ifmat - Get to Know Iran’s Terrorist 'Ambassador' to Iraq

Get to Know Iran’s Terrorist ‘Ambassador’ to Iraq

Iran’s new ambassador to Iraq is part of a terrorist network, an advisor of the notorious Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force.
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ifmat - Jeb Bush and Dennis Ross Donald Trump Should Isolate Iran Immediately

Jeb Bush and Dennis Ross: Donald Trump Should Isolate Iran Immediately

Just days before Christmas, as U.S. policymakers were settling into the holidays, Iran staged massive war drills, with one of its
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ifmat - Former Iraq vice President Accuses Iran for supporting Al-Qaeda

Former Iraqi vice President Accuses Iran for supporting Al-Qaeda

Tariq al-Hashimi alleges Iranian general admitted to him that Tehran supported al-Qaeda and funded Shia militias
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