Reportedly a German mechanical engineer living in Hong Kong who was involved in the purchase of 44 high-voltage switches that can trigger a nuclear explosion from a German company, Behlke Electronic GmbH; reportedly was contacted in mid-2002 ...
39-year-old resident of Taiwan; charged, on February 13, 2002, with conspiring to export U.S. Munitions List items to Iran, in violation of the Arms Export Control Act and the U.S. embargo against Iran; allegedly sought, throughout 2002, ...
Entered a guilty plea in Delaware, announced on December 17, 2009, to a one-count information for attempting to export, between August 2008 and February 2009, two Hitachi JU-Z2 Junction Units (camera control box, 8-port multiple television camera ...
A Belgian national and resident of France; on November 23, 2009, pled guilty to one count of conspiring, with Dara Fotouhi, to cause the export from the United States to Iran of defense articles listed on the ...
37-year-old Swede of Iranian origin who reportedly arranged the purchase of 44 high-voltage switches that can be used to trigger a nuclear explosion from a German company, Behlke Electronic GmbH in fall 2002; reportedly according to German ...
Allegedly a Russian national resident in Cyprus; according to a January 2005 letter by Hrihoriy Omelchenko, then a Ukrainian member of parliament (and reported former officer of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU)), an inquiry by the SBU ...
On July 29, 2010, sentenced to four years and three months in prison after being found guilty in the Ontario Court of Justice on July 6, 2010 of attempting to export nuclear-related dual-use items to Iran without ...
On March 14, 2008, jailed for 18 months and ordered to relinquish £432,970 subject to a confiscation order, after pleading guilty to four counts of being “knowingly concerned in the exportation of goods contrary to [the UK’s] ...
Arrested on June 8, 2010, in connection with an indictment filed on June 2, 2010, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, charging Modanlo, along with Iranian citizens Hamid Malmirian, Reza Heidari, Mohammad Modares, ...
An Iranian national; according to the U.S. Department of Justice, involved in conspiracies to illegally export, to prohibited entities and to Iran, numerous U.S.-manufactured commodities with potential military applications, including use as components in the construction of ...
On May 31, 2011, pled guilty in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois to conspiring to export goods and technology to Iran, and attempting to export defense articles on the United States Munitions ...
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