Previously, we exposed some of Mahan’s European collaborators who help Mahan spread QF terror against their countries’ agendas. Now, we’ll be exposing two more western companies who support Mahan Air.
Travel Fusion is a British travel agency who has been booking Mahan Flights for customers flying to Europe. They are involved in Mahan flights to Denmark and even France among others.
First Flight is a Spanish travel agency who has been working with Mahan Air. Internal emails from the Mahan servers indicate that First Flight actually operates tens of additional travel agencies that also work with Mahan air. ...
PRC manufacturer Tiandy is supplying Iran's Revolutionary Guard, police, and military while touting itself as an Iran-friendly alternative to other PRC manufacturers who do not have direct operations in Iran.
We have already exposed some of the companies who have risked themselves by cooperating with Mahan Air. Now we have more examples of companies who chose to make a profit by supporting the IRGC-QF’s airline, Mahan Air, ...
The following document contains an email, demonstrating that the Mahan company is circumventing US sanctions, after they were designated due to their deals with the QF, by communicating through a subsidiary ground services company named Saman.
Following the proof of Mahan’s cooperation with the IRGC QF from our previous exposures, it is now time to shed light on some of the companies who cooperate with Mahan, especially those that are based in seemingly ...
It turned out that the hacker group responsible for this cyberattack Hooshyarane Vatan had succeeded in accessing Mahan air systems due to the fact that all sensitive information was not encrypted.
Based in Tehran, Iran, Taban Farda Petrochemical Group Company is a Public Limited Company that was established in 2006. The organisation operates in the Chemicals sector. The organisation is owned by Iranian based enterprises. It currently has ...
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