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Turkish energy company Unit International has reached a $4.2 billion deal with Iran’s energy ministry...
Ghadir Investment Company, one of Iran’s largest investment companies, which in turn is affiliated with the Supreme Leader of Iran...
The National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC) and Singaporean Tru Marine recently signed an agreement...
Ayatollah Khamenei, Pervez Fattah, the energy minister appointed the first government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the current chairman...
Iran plans to list its national tanker company to raise badly needed cash to upgrade its massive fleet and replace...
Congress is trying to use a little-known certification requirement for ships and drilling rigs as a lever to squeeze...
The New York Times identified 74 corporations that have done business both in Iran and with the United States government...
Evonik has been present in Iran for forty eight years and considers the country a key growth market especially...
The latest survey shows that the government continues to have an effective control over the shares of stock companies operating on stock exchanges...
Eltherm GmbH - part of Iran Oil Show 2018
Eltherm GmbH is listed as an approved vendor in Iran by NIOEC, NPC, NIGCENG and NIGC...
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