ifmat - Crouse Company - Foreign Partners

Foreign partners of Crouse Company – Iran

Foreign partners according to Crouse Company website are: 1. Continental Automotive Systems (Germany) 2. Mando (South Korea) 3. Valeo 4. S&T; Motiv (South Korea) 5. Desay SV Automotive (Germany)
ifmat - Nirou Taban Foreign Partners

Working partners of Nirou Taban

According to their official website Nirou Taban is working in Oil, Gas, Petrochemical and Energy Industries. Oil and Gas sector in Iran is controlled by IRGC
ifmat - NEDA industrial group partners

Foreign partners of Neda Industrial Group

According to the official website of Neda Industrial Group "", Siemens, Tokyo Keiso, Nihon Klingage and Delta Control are mentioned as foreign entities that are partners with Neda Industrial Group