The IAEA first learned of Karaj from NCRI, which named the site and said it was related to gas centrifuge activities. The IAEA was initially denied access in May 2003, but finally was allowed to visit in August 2003.
Iran initially said that Karaj (also sometimes called Ramandeh) was primarily involved with agricultural studies said to be unrelated to nuclear fuel cycle activities. In October 2003, when Iran revealed the existence of the laser enrichment program, it declared that it had moved laser enrichment equipment from Lashkar Ab’ad to Karaj in May 2003. This material included uranium metal and a large vacuum vessel with associated hardware. Karaj also stored mass spectrometry equipment that had been used in support of AVLIS research. There is also radioactive waste storage at Karaj. Environmental samples were taken of all the equipment at Karaj.
Source » isisnucleariran