Predicting the transfer of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia is currently challenging. However, there are no signals of such deliveries, thinks aviation and missile weapons expert Valeriy Romanenko.

According to him, there are no signs yet that Iran will soon begin transferring ballistic missiles to Russia, but “threats are always present, if Iran has something, and Russia can offer something in return.”

He reminded that Iranians are currently undergoing training on Yak-130 training aircraft, and Russia may later transfer Su-35 fighters to them, which Egypt has declined.

“Tehran is not wealthy in currency; Iranians pay reluctantly, supplying drones and munitions to Russia. Perhaps they’ll manage without missiles, but, of course, it’s necessary to monitor and study remnants,” he shared in a conversation with the news agency,” added Romanenko.


A week ago, a representative of the U.S. National Security Council, John Kirby, spoke about Iran preparing to transfer its ballistic missiles to Russia. These missiles could be supplied to enable the aggressor country to use such weapons in the war in Ukraine. Against this backdrop, Kirby expressed the concern of the United States.

For more detailed information on the potential transfer of Iranian ballistic technology to Russia, you can find in-depth coverage on RBC-Ukraine.