Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, has defended the Islamic Republic’s foreign policy and its stance on the global stage.

“Some within the country accuse the Islamic Republic of being at odds with the world,” he said. “This is not true; such claims contradict reality.”

He added: “Today, we maintain relations with countries where more than half of the world’s population lives. We travel and conduct business. The idea that we are isolated, or in conflict with everyone, is not true, we are not in conflict with everyone.”

Khamenei, speaking to Iran-Iraq war veterans, further emphasized that while the Islamic Republic interacts politically and economically with the world, it remains firmly opposed to the “global dominance system, particularly US hegemony.”

“If they mean we lack political and economic engagement with the world, this is false. But if they refer to our opposition to the political order of the domination system, then yes, this is true. Just as in the early days of the revolution, we stand against American dominance,” he said. Khamenei added that the Islamic Revolution’s stance is a direct challenge to the current world order.

“The nuclear issue, human rights, and women’s rights are [their] pretexts. The real issue is our opposition to the corrupt, discriminatory world order that currently controls the world.

“They oppose us not because of these issues, but because we present an alternative worldview. This opposition will continue unless the Islamic Republic and the Iranian people submit to their demands, which we will not.”

Khamenei also addressed events in Lebanon and Gaza, drawing parallels between them and Iran’s war with Iraq: “What is happening in Lebanon and Palestine today is akin to our Holy Defense [the Iran-Iraq war]. These are acts of jihad in the name of God.”

He accused the US government of seeking to bolster Israel ahead of upcoming US elections: “Americans claim they are not involved, but they are. They need the Zionist regime to show victory for electoral reasons.”

Source » ncr-iran