According to the Italian Askanews News Agency, the Comitato Interparlamentare per un Iran Libero (Interparliamentary Committee for a Free Iran) has expressed deep concern over the escalating wave of executions in Iran following the inauguration of President Masoud Pezeshkian. In a joint statement, Senator Giulio Terzi (FdI), Senators Marco Scurria and Raffaele Speranzon, and MPs Naike Gruppioni, Andrea Di Giuseppe, and Emanuele Pozzolo called for decisive international action against the Iranian regime’s crackdown on dissent.

The committee highlighted the recent death sentences of Behrouz Ehsani and Mehdi Hassani, both supporters of the PMOI/MEK, a major opposition group. Arrested during the 2022 protests, the two men have been subjected to severe torture at the infamous Evin Prison. The committee condemned these actions as part of a long history of human rights violations by the regime, which has repressed opposition since the 1979 Khomeinist revolution under the doctrine of Velayat-e Faqih (absolute clerical rule).

Referring to a July report by former UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran, Javaid Rehman, the committee emphasized documented evidence of atrocities, including crimes against humanity and genocide, particularly in the 1981-1982 period and the 1988 massacres that saw the deaths of 30,000 political dissidents, mainly PMOI/MEK members.

The Italian lawmakers underscored the importance of enforcing international law in Iran and called for the European Union to immediately designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, citing its control over the country’s economy and military capabilities. They concluded by stressing the urgent need for such measures in multilateral forums to counter Iran’s ongoing human rights abuses and its global campaign of repression.

Source » ncr-iran