Political prisoner Kazem Alinejad set himself on fire in Iran’s notorious Evin prison, according to reports received by IranWire.

Alinejad was taken to Taleghani Hospital in Tehran for treatment and returned to Evin prison after his wounds were treated.

He was sentenced in December 2023 by the 26th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, headed by Judge Iman Afshari.

His sentence includes five years imprisonment for “insulting sacred beliefs,” five years for “assembly and collusion with intent to commit crimes against national security,” and one year for “propaganda against the Islamic Republic.”

Additional punishments include a two-year ban on living in Tehran and neighboring provinces, a two-year prohibition on membership in political and social groups, and confiscation of his mobile phone.

Meanwhile, Arsham Rezaei, another political prisoner at Evin, has been transferred to solitary confinement.

It comes as several political prisoners in Ward 4 of Evin prison began a sit-in protest. Some prisoners have even sewn their lips shut to protest the prison authorities’ refusal to meet their demands regarding detention conditions.

Source » jurist