Naser Anzalichi

Euler Hermes board members receives bribe meant to compensate for the very high risk of trading with Iran. These extra payments are being transferred by Mr. Naser Anzalichi a senior associate at Top EMC – a trade management and market research company located in Tabriz, Iran

Status:Risk Alert – Entity in a problematic sector - Sector controlled by the Top Alert entities

Risk Level:unknown %

Euler Hermes has been providing (since 2017) credit (LC) to European firms wishing to trade with Iran, through a sanctioned Iranian Bank of Industry and Mine;

Euler Hermes board members receives bribe meant to compensate for the very high risk of trading with Iran. These extra payments are being transferred by Mr. Naser Anzalichi a senior associate at Top EMC – a trade management and market research company located in Tabriz, Iran;


Reason for the color:
» Senior Euler Hermes board members are taking bribe from Iranian bank to cover risk of trading with Iran;