ONX Trading

Houthi-affiliated and UAE-based ONX Trading FZE has facilitated illicit payments related to the al-Jamal network’s shipping operations

Status:Top Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violation

Risk Level:99%

May harm your business future. Persons or entities that engage in transactions with this entity will be exposed to sanctions or subject to an enforcement action.

Working with this entity means supporting Iranian Regime, Regime Terrorist Activities & development of WMD

Houthi-affiliated and UAE-based ONX Trading FZE has facilitated illicit payments related to the al-Jamal network’s shipping operations

Sa’id al-Jamal and his network rely on a host of shipping companies, vessels, and facilitators to enable the sale and shipment of Iranian commodities, including oil and petroleum products, in order to generate revenue for the Houthis and the IRGC-QF.

The revenue from al-Jamal’s network helps finance the Houthis’ reckless targeting of shipping in the Red Sea and civilian infrastructure, which has led to grave consequences for both the region and the international community.

OFAC designated Sa’id al-Jamal pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, on June 10, 2021 for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, the IRGC-QF. OFAC designated the IRGC-QF pursuant to E.O. 13224 on October 25, 2007, for providing material support to multiple terrorist groups. The U.S. Department of State’s designation of Ansarallah (commonly known as the Houthis) as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT), pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, became effective on February 16, 2024.

Involved In:
Financial Services

Organization Established Date:
18 Sep 2023

Also Known As:
ONX Trading FZE

United Arab Emirates

P6-ELOB Office No. E-12F-16 Hamriyah Free Zone, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Hamriyah Free Zone Phase-1, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Dubai, United Arab Emirates


31337 (United Arab Emirates)

Economic Register Number (CBLS):
12175035 (United Arab Emirates)

Reason for the color:
» Added to the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on August 15, 2024 pursuant to Executive Order 13224, as amended, for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, Sa’id al-Jamal;