Following the death of a young man due to a “severe beating” in Lahijan police custody, the police information center admitted that the police forces could not control their “anger and emotions” during the conflict with him.

In the announcement of the information center of the police command, which was published on Friday, September 9, it is clearly stated that the death of this young man was “due to the excitement caused by the friction between the deceased Mirmusavi and the police officers and the lack of control of anger and emotions on the part of some employees and disregard for “accused situation” has occurred.

In this announcement, the arrest of several police officers in connection with this case has been confirmed and emphasized: “The behavior of some police officers is against the professional policy of the police and is not acceptable in any way. For this reason, the above-mentioned people were placed under the jurisdiction of the judicial authority.

The information center of the command of the police force also announced the “dismissal” of the commander of the Langrod police station and wrote that “other involved agents were suspended from service.”

This announcement emphasizes that “in case of confirmation of negligence and lack of attention of other law enforcement officers, appropriate disciplinary punishments will be implemented.”

In recent days, the news of the death of Mohammad Mirmusavi, 36 years old, from the village of Seyed Mohleh, Lahijan, who was arrested during a local conflict by the officers of the special unit, due to “severe beatings” in the Langrod police station, made news.

A day ago, the prosecutor of Lahijan said that five police officers were arrested in this connection.

In a shocking video published by Ha Ngao and Dadban among others, the bloody body of a young man can be seen being washed in a laundry room, and the effects of severe “torture and assault” on his body are obvious.

Meanwhile, the Fars news agency, close to the IRGC, wrote in a report: “Statements and evidence show that the accused was probably beaten during the arrest.”

Earlier, the human rights organization Hengav reported that Mohammad Mirmusavi died on the same day of detention, but it is not clear when his body was handed over to his family. According to the police announcement, this incident happened on “Thursday, the 1st of August in Naserkiadeh village of Lahijan city”.

According to the Iranian media, in addition to the committee formed by the order of the Minister of Interior to investigate the issue, Ahmadreza Radan, the Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has also ordered an investigation into this matter.

The death and killing of citizens in the custody of Iran’s government forces has happened many times before, and the incident in Lahijan happened on the eve of the second anniversary of Mehsa (Zina) Amini’s death in the custody of the Irshad patrol.

Javad Rouhi, one of the detainees of the “Women, Life, Freedom” protests, also died suspiciously in Nowshahr prison on September 9 of last year, and the judicial system of the Islamic Republic announced the cause of his death as “drug interference”.

Before that, a number of other political prisoners were killed in Iran’s prisons, including Sattar Beheshti, a blogger, as well as those who died in Kahrizak detention center in 2008.

Source » radiofarda