60 executions in 9 days during the introduction of Khamenei’s new president’s cabinet – The Execution Cabinet: One execution every 3.5 hours

Ali Khamenei’s executioners hanged at least 7 prisoners today, Wednesday, August 14, in Qezelhessar, Sabzevar, and Bam prisons. In these criminal executions, Saeed Niazi, Behrooz Vafaei, Nasser Sharifi, and another prisoner were hanged in Qezelhessar prison, Reza Zard Koohi and Mousa al-Reza Ebrahimi in Sabzevar, and Hamed Shahbakhsh in Bam.

Thus, in the past 9 days, coinciding with the introduction of the new president’s cabinet and the preliminary discussions and internal regime faction conflicts related to this, the religious fascism ruling Iran has hanged at least 60 prisoners, that is, one prisoner every 3.5 hours: a cabinet of crime and execution.

Negotiating and dealing with the godfather of execution and terrorism in today’s world has no legitimacy and only fuels the machinery of killing, terrorism, and warmongering.

The Iranian Resistance once again calls on the United Nations to take immediate action to save prisoners sentenced to death and expel this regime from the international community. Khamenei and other leaders of this religious fascism must face justice for four decades of crimes against humanity and genocide.

Source » ncr-iran