The initial public offering of 1 billion and 50 million shares, representing 15% of total equity shares of Amin Investment Bank (AIB) was held on Tehran Stock Exchange; out of total floated equities, 840 million shares were offered to the public on Wednesday, 5 August 2020, and 210 million shares is offered to the investment funds, on Sunday 9 July 2020. After the price discovery carried out through book-building method, the equities were traded at IRR 10,400 per share. Each of 5 million and 410 thousand and 747 shareholders of the investment bank now owns 161 equity shares of the newly listed company.
The IPO ceremony celebrating the 341st company listed on TSE’s market was also broadcasted online via TSE’s official channel on
AIB is the Iranian investment bank that provides asset management, advisory, underwriting, debt and equity market services to investors, companies and institutions who want to develop their business in Iran’s financial market.
Source » mondovisione