The Islamic Republic’s authorities have executed four prisoners amid an intensified use of capital punishment over the past few weeks.

Authorities carried out the executions of three prisoners at Parsilon Prison in Khorramabad on Saturday.

The individuals had been previously convicted on drug-related charges.

Authorities in southern Hormozgan province executed a prisoner, who was convicted of murder, at Minab Prison.

The executed prisoner has been identified as Mahim Jangi-Zehi, a resident of Jask city.

According to the report, Jangi-Zehi was arrested four years ago on alleged murder charges and subsequently sentenced to death by the judiciary.

These executions add to the growing number of capital punishments carried out in Iran in recent days.

The number of executions in Iran reached 853 in 2023, which is the highest recorded since 2015 and marks a 48 percent increase from 2022 in the aftermath of the Woman, Life, Freedom protests.

The spike in death penalties has continued into 2024, with at least 95 recorded executions by March 20, according to the Amnesty International.

Source » iranwire