The EU has amended and/or maintained its sanctions lists relating to DPRK, Iran and terrorism:


The EU has amended 2 entries on its DPRK sanctions list: 29. National Aerospace Technology Administration, an entity involved in DPRK’s development of space science and technology; and 54. Ministry of National Defence, which manages the general administrative and logistical needs of the Korean People’s Army.


Multiple entries on the EU’s Iran sanctions list have been amended and the following entries have been deleted:

Anis Naccache;

Brigadier-General Mohammad Naderi;

Marou Sanat;

Samen Industries;

Surena; and

Farayand Technique.

Targeted sanctions against all other people and entities on the Iran list are maintained.

The candidate countries North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and as EFTA countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway have also aligned themselves with the EU’s amendment to Council Decision (CFSP) 2023/1532 which extended restrictive measures against Iran and designated 4 new individuals and 2 entities.

Source » globalsanctions