The small Jewish community in Armenia has voiced its concern amidst rising local antisemitism. This alarm follows the substantial arms deal between Iran and Armenia, which includes suicide drones, cruise missiles, and an air defense system. The deal, reported by Iran International, also involves intelligence cooperation, military relations, training, and the establishment of bases on Armenian soil.

In closed forums in Israel, there are worries that the Iran-Armenia arms deal signals hostile intentions against Azerbaijan and Israel, potentially endangering the Armenian Jewish community. Armenia’s only synagogue has been targeted with arson four times in the past year, and public antisemitic parades have been held.

“Antisemitism in Armenia is fueled by accusations that Israel has provided Azerbaijan with weapons used against Armenia in their conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh,” said Rabbi Zamir Isayev, president and Rabbi of the Sephardi-Georgian community in Azerbaijan. He added that Armenia’s strategic alliance with Iran and the purchase of weapons indicate a readiness for further conflict.

The Jewish community’s fears are exacerbated by Armenia’s recent recognition of a Palestinian state and its condemnation of violence against civilians in Gaza. The Israeli Foreign Ministry has summoned the Armenian ambassador for a reprimand, highlighting the escalating tensions.

Rabbi Isayev emphasized that the Iran-Armenia arms deal represents a significant threat, with Iran supplying Armenia in exchange for military cooperation, training, and the establishment of Iranian bases in Armenia. This development poses a strategic threat to the region and could turn Armenia into another Iranian proxy, similar to Lebanon and the Houthis.

He further stressed that the United States should also be deeply concerned about this deal, which could destabilize the region. Recently, the Iranian ambassador to Armenia challenged the US in a radio interview, asserting that America should not interfere in the relations between Armenia and Iran.

The Jewish community remains vigilant, fearing that the alliance between Armenia and Iran will exacerbate antisemitism and pose significant security risks to Jewish communities and the broader region.

Source » hamodia