The Islamic Republic’s authorities executed at least eight prisoners, including three women, over the past two days.

Seven of the executions took place at Birjand Prison in South Khorasan province on Tuesday.

The prisoners, who had been convicted on drug-related charges in separate cases, included three women, according to the HRANA human rights organization.

The identities of two male prisoners have been confirmed as Amir Hamzeh Barahooie Mojarrad, a married father of two from Zabol and resident of Fazl Abad in Golestan Province, and Vahid Vahdani, a 33-year-old from Bojnord.

The executions were carried out following a transfer of the prisoners to solitary confinement on Sunday night in preparation for their deaths.

The day before, on Monday, another execution was carried out at Qom Prison.

The Iranian Human Rights Organization reported that Hassan Fallahi, a 30-year-old man from Meshkin Dasht in Alborz Province, was put to death at Qom.

Fallahi had been convicted of murdering his brother-in-law following personal disputes and was arrested three years ago.

The number of executions in Iran reached 853 in 2023, which is the highest recorded since 2015 and marks a 48 percent increase from 2022 in the aftermath of the Woman, Life, Freedom protests.

The spike in death penalties has continued into 2024, with at least 95 recorded executions by March 20, according to Amnesty International.

Source » iranwire