Authorities in Iran placed a large number of anti-riot police vehicles and armed motorcycle security personnel at Tehran’s Azadi (Freedom) Square on Wednesday as fierce protests took place Tuesday night in Khuzestan Province.
Based on videos published on social media the concentration of anti-riot forces was greatly increased early Wednesday in this key point in the capital city.
Tehran has not witnessed any large protests since demonstrations broke out in Khuzestan on July 15, but Tuesday morning a spontaneous show of defiance took place in a busy metro station, where people suddenly began chanting against the Islamic Republic.
The authorities have reason to be concerned as protests in Iran’s closed political environment can happen suddenly, without any formal and central organizing entity. In November 2019, nationwide protests suddenly broke out against a hike in gasoline prices. Security forces killed at least 1,500 demonstrators in a matter of days.
Tuesday night three more protesters were killed in Khuzestan, the country’s main center for oil production and unrest will most likely continue in the restive province where unemployment and water shortages have brought tempers to a boil.
Source » trackpersia