Atropars Company

Atropars Exchange, another exchange house that the MODAFL Supply Division uses to conduct financial activity outside of Iran

Status:Top Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violation

Risk Level:99%

May harm your business future. Persons or entities that engage in transactions with this entity will be exposed to sanctions or subject to an enforcement action.

Working with this entity means supporting Iranian Regime, Regime Terrorist Activities & development of WMD

Seyyed Reza Mir Mohammad Ali (Mir Mohammad Ali) is a key confidant of the MODAFL Supply Division and the CEO and owner of Iran-based Atropars Company, also known as Atropars Exchange, another exchange house that the MODAFL Supply Division uses to conduct financial activity outside of Iran. Mir Mohammad Ali establishes cover companies and financial accounts for the MODAFL Supply Division’s use, holds MODAFL funds in cover accounts outside of Iran, conducts foreign currency exchange, transports foreign currency to and from Iran using cover companies and couriers, and transfers foreign currency to suppliers of the IRGC and MODAFL. Mir Mohammad Ali’s annual activity for the MODAFL Supply Division, conducted through Atropars Exchange, amounts to tens of millions of dollars. Mir Mohammad Ali and Atropars Exchange control a number of cover companies that are used to support the MODAFL Supply Division. In 2022, Hong Kong-based companies controlled by Mir Mohammad Ali transferred over 15 million euros in oil and petrochemical sales revenue for the MODAFL Supply Division. Between March 2022 and March 2023, Atropars Exchange processed the equivalent of over $40 million in euros in incoming and outcoming transfers.

Seyyed Reza Mir Mohammad Ali and Atropars Company are being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, MODAFL.

Involved In:
Financial Services

Also Known As:
Arabic: شرکت آتروپارس


No. 17 Samadi St. Farid Asghar St. Vahid Dastjeri Ave, Tehran, Iran

National ID No.:
10102890879 (Iran)

Registration Number:
248506 (Iran)

Reason for the color:
» Added to the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on June 25, 2024 pursuant to Executive Order 13224, as amended, for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, MODAFL;