
Despite EU sanctions Aviteq continues to work with Iranian entity FITCO

Status:High Alert – Entity affiliated with Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entities

Risk Level:89%

May harm your business future.

This entity is connected with designated / sanctioned entities who are helping Iranian Regime Terrorist Activities & development of WMD

According to the official website of Aviteq, Iranian working partner of Aviteq is FITCO;

On the website of FITCO, Aviteq is mentioned as their supplier;

FITCO is involved in purchasing equipment and materials which have direct applications in the Iranian nuclear program;

FITCO is listed by the European Union on December 1, 2011 as an entity linked to Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or Iran’s development of nuclear weapon delivery systems; with some exceptions, European Union member states must freeze all funds and economic resources owned, held or controlled by the listed entity, and prevent funds or economic resources from being made available to it;

Despite Europe sanctions on Iran and regime support for terrorist organizations, terrorist attacks around the world, developing weapons of mass destruction and building new missiles to threaten to destroy other countries, Aviteq continues to work in Iran;

Construction, Quarries, Pits, Mining, Cement
Steel Production, Foundry Technology
Recycling, Environment, Glass
Food, Animal Feed
Chemicals, Plastics, Pharmaceuticals

Also Known As:
AViTEQ Vibrationstechnik GmbH (formerly AEG)


Im Gotthelf 16 65795 Hattersheim Germany

+49 (0)6145/503-0



Reason for the color:
» Despite EU sanctions Aviteq continues to work in Iran;