Iranian regime president Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with the judiciary judges, warned them against relying on human rights principles. By labeling human rights as “Western,” he described the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as “wrong” and “Western.” Khamenei did not specify which judges had referenced this declaration or similar principles, but his statements once again prove that the clerical regime fundamentally does not believe in human rights and considers it a product of “atheistic thought.” Even when forced to verbally and superficially accept human rights, they add an “Islamic” (read fundamentalist) suffix to justify their inhumane laws.

Golden Achievements of Humanity

Khamenei, with his deceptive methods, calls the Universal Declaration of Human Rights a Western achievement, whereas this declaration is an international covenant adopted on December 10, 1948, in Paris, three years after the establishment of the United Nations following World War II, addressing fundamental human rights. The declaration consists of a preamble and 30 articles and has held international legal validity since its adoption, with many countries incorporating it into their constitutions.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is one of the United Nations treaties. This covenant was adopted on December 16, 1966, and became legally binding on March 23, 1976. It includes a preamble and 53 articles.

The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment was adopted by the United Nations on December 10, 1984, consisting of a preamble and 33 articles, prohibiting any form of torture and degrading treatment against individuals.

Other international conventions, including the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and 1951 and the European Convention on Human Rights, are golden achievements of humanity throughout history. Billions of people have lost their lives for the global formulation and registration of these conventions. These conventions are global benchmarks that determine the commitment of countries and governments to “human rights.” No government that considers itself a member of the United Nations can defy them.

“Domestic Laws”!

“Domestic laws” is a euphemism for the mullahs’ concocted laws for “cutting and burning” people. These are the same medieval rulings that theorize stoning and retribution. Khamenei’s promotion of these so-called laws indicates his urgent need for arrests and executions to keep his regime, which is on the brink of collapse, standing. For instance, Khomeini and then Khamenei used these self-made laws to label their most serious opposition (the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran) as “hypocrites,” “fighters against God,” “rebels,” and “insurgents,” thus permitting the killing of their members and supporters. Khomeini’s handwritten decree declared that as long as the Mojahedin remained steadfast in their position, they should be executed generation after generation. This criminal decree does not comply with any humanitarian international laws; rather, it is considered “crimes against humanity” and “genocide” under these laws.

Global Reflection of the Justice Movement

There is no doubt that human rights and the mullahs’ regime are two opposing concepts, but Khamenei’s remarks at this time are his reaction to the legal activities of the Iranian Resistance across the globe. This should be seen as an acknowledgment of the global reflection of the justice movement and the condemnation of the 1980s executions as genocide and crimes against humanity.

Unlike the clerical regime, the Iranian Resistance fully adheres to these universal legal principles and is committed to them. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), in the third article of her 10-point plan, has declared the Iranian resistance’s commitment to all these conventions. These and other United Nations conventions are rooted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and encompass values and aspirations that the Iranian resistance has long been campaigning for in Iran, paying for them with the lives and blood of their dearest ones.

Undoubtedly, the brave youths of Iran, relying on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other valuable human achievements, will overthrow this regime and establish the democratic republic that the people of Iran deserve.

Source » mojahedin