The criminal agents of Khamenei’s regime hanged two Baluch compatriots named Es’haq Anshini and Mohsen Gomshad-Zehi in Zahedan Central Prison on Saturday, June 24. Mohsen Gomshad-Zehi, a 31-year-old who had been imprisoned for the past 11 years, was charged with the regime-fabricated crime of Moharabeh (waging war against God) and sentenced to execution in 2012 due to clash with one of the regime’s agents. Es’haq Anshini was 40 years old and father of five.
On Wednesday, June 21, the criminal agents of Khamenei’s regime hanged in Sanandaj Prison Heyman Mostafaii, a brave Peshmerga, after 11 years of imprisonment and torture for killing a criminal Revolutionary Guard soldier. Heyman was severely injured during the prisoners’ uprising in Sanandaj in September 2022 when he was targeted by the regime’s criminal forces with pellet bullets.
On Tuesday, June 20, a prisoner named Aref Havasi was executed in Ilam Central Prison, and on Monday, June 19, a Baluch compatriot named Danesh Salari was executed in Kahnouj Prison, and Ali Mollahshamsi was executed in Zanjan Central Prison, and Gholam Mirhashemi Baltaghi and another prisoner, both Baluch compatriots, were hanged in Kerman Central Prison. They were in addition to the executed prisoners as announced in June 19 statement.
Therefore, Khamenei’s executioners hanged at least 81 prisoners from May 22 to June 22, and in the first three months of the Iranian year 1402, they hanged a minimum of 209 prisoners.
Source » ncr-iran